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Buy salbutamol over counter. They're probably not as strong they look. Image copyright AP Image caption The government has imposed a state of emergency after the latest attacks French President Francois Hollande ordered a nationwide state of emergency after Islamic militants killed 130 people in an attack on a hotel in Nice. He said security forces had foiled an imminent attack and were hunting suspects. In a televised speech, he said some of the militants had arrived in France "with the intention of dying for jihadist ideas". Three French men were arrested last month on suspicion of links to militant networks. 'We must be careful' As part of Friday's announcement, Mr Hollande said: "France is at war. The state of emergency is being extended to five months." He praised the soldiers and police who responded "with calmness and determination" to the attacks. Image copyright Reuters caption French special forces have been deployed across the country Mr Hollande said the state of emergency would be extended for 30 days and it would go back into force after that. The government has also banned building of temporary housing for migrants in some areas and called a local referendum for 20 July on a proposed ban minarets in some areas of France. In a speech to the nation on Tuesday night, Mr Hollande promised that the state of emergency would not be extended. Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption President Hollande: "I think that we have to be even more careful... we must be very careful of our own security" The attack in Nice on Riviera town Tuesday morning was the worst since 2002 November 13 attacks in which 130 people died the French capital. France has suffered a series of jihadist attacks. In January a gunman claimed allegiance to IS in a shooting attack on the Paris offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hoodia pills australia Hebdo. Earlier this month, a Muslim imam was arrested for recruiting potential fighters after four people were killed in a suspected jihadist attack the Parisian suburb of Dammartin-en-Goele. Analysis: Tom Burridge, BBC security correspondent The government decision to extend state of emergency - a measure normally only used by national emergencies - comes after it was widely seen as only making it Salbutamol 250mg $286.68 - $0.8 Per pill too difficult to counter the threat from jihadist networks inside France. As a temporary measure, it will mean a temporary suspension of the rule law. That may well be a good thing, but it may also mean that the threat level at national remains 3 - which the police will see as being on heightened alert - rather than 4, which is what seen as the "real" alert level. The extension will make it harder for the authorities to monitor suspected extremists but the police have now been reinforced to make sure it is not as if the state of emergency is taking back control of their activities. France is now in a very difficult situation which.

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