MRF Tours Available

Learn more about recycling in western Massachusetts by visiting the Springfield MRF. A limited amount of tours of the MRF are available for school groups, scout groups, community organizations, and any other interested groups.

It only takes one hour to complete a tour of the facility. The tour consists of an educational video about recycling, waste reduction and how recyclables move through the facility. Then there is a walk-through component where you will view the sorting process, material baling and truck weighing. We also discuss what the recyclables are remanufactured into after they leave the MRF, and how we can “get in the loop” and buy recycled products to keep recycling sustainable

Book A Tour:

To request a MRF Tour, please call Steve Ellis at 413-755-2286.

Since space is limited, there is a maximum of fifteen people per tour. We cannot accommodate children younger than 1st grade.

For your safety, we request that all tour participants wear closed toe shoes. Portions of the tour are outside so please dress accordingly. If there is snow or ice outside, the tour may be subject to cancellation.

Address and Directions to the MRF:

Route 91 South to exit 8, straight off the ramp to the left onto Birnie Ave. The MRF is approximately 1/2 mile on the right.

Route 91 North to exit 8, left off the ramp onto Main Street, then first left onto Walter Street, then left onto Birnie Ave. The MRF is approximately 1/2 mile on the right.

84 Birnie Avenue
Springfield, MA 01107

Phone Number:

Parking at the facility:
All cars should park in the designated spots in front of the building. If there are no parking spaces available in front, then cars must park behind the building in the designated spaces along the fence. Buses must drop students off in front of the building and park in the back while waiting for the group to complete their tour of the facility.

Passenger cars and smaller vans may park out front next to the curbing, being sure to not block the entrance or exit.